
I have taken on leadership roles since I was a young man. In high school, I was a scholar athelete, competing in football and cross country while passing over a dozen Advanced Placement courses. I became involved in theater, where I taught lectures to the freshman class, and won the Man of the Year award. I earned the Eagle Scout rank in the Boy Scouts, where served on planning councils for large district-wide camps.

In college, I quickly sought ways to gain leadership experience. In my first year in BYU Rocketry, I joined club leadership as the Outreach Officer. In this position, I organized club recruitment and onboarded over 100 students. I then made my way onto the club High Power Teams, where I became the lead of the Structures sub-team. In this role, I worked in a fast-paced group with several weekly meetings to keep up with changing design constraints. I organized lab space for project build days, and I researched build techniques and taught them to my teammates. Last, I was a founding member of the Manufacturing and Engineering Process Team. The purpose of this team is to ensure future generations of club members learn the skills necessary to succeed in High Power Rocketry. As MEPS team lead, I held applications to grow the team, and created a comprehensive workbook that is designed to teach incoming students the processes of rocketry.

In a number of my roles, I have recognized the importance of team unity. To work on that, I have taken on many branding roles to help the organization grow. In BYU Rocketry, I designed and ordered patches for the club to increase our visibility on campus. At my internship with HyPerComp Engineering, I designed display posters for the company booth at the Farnborough Airshow.